d play

d playd play
  1. Step D Play a game .


  2. Then we ' d play a trick on them , usually taking a piece of soap and make marks on their windows .


  3. Vitamin D may play a role in BV because it exerts influence over a number of aspects of the immune system .


  4. As the core of national scientific and technological innovation , R & D activities play a vital role in enhancing international competitive position .


  5. At the growing stage , R & D personnel play emphasis on stock right and option most , then working environment , salary and welfare , training , promotion and approval by people of the same occupation in order .


  6. In network product market , market size , degree of product substitution , network strength , market concentration and R & D efficiency play a key role in decision on both choices of the optimal licensing strategy of incumbent firms and number of licenses .


  7. We ´ d better to play ball , or we can ´ t finish the work in time .


  8. The labour of science and technology an d management labour play more and more important role in promoting productivity developmen t and value creation .


  9. Shanghai mobile telecommunication market competes intensively . P System of Company D used to play an important role of the market by its lower price and radiation .


  10. Conclusions : abnormalities of fibrinolytic activity and D D level play an important role in hypertensive arteriolar nephrosclerosis and can be used as indicator for early diagnosis .


  11. The GDP and R & D funds invested play major roles , and the number of information industry employment , intellectual property protection in China , FDI investment in infrastructure development are followed .


  12. While this study shows that vitamin D seems to play a role in slowing the onset of dementia , more studies are needed to see if vitamin D supplements can help slow this decline .


  13. Recording software drives computer collect sound , convert A / D , store and play sound etc.


  14. R D is source of technological innovation , strategic R D investment play a key role in enhancing the national technical competitive power and upgrading enterprise strength .


  15. It is suggested that after haemorrhagic shock the releasing rate of somatostatin from the pancreatic D cells is increased . Therefore , the pancreatic D cells may play a role in the regulation of the pathological process of haemorrhagic shock .
